Kevin Pearce has become one of the largest figures in snowboarding’s public eye. He quickly established himself on the sport’s scene by winning events in Sweden, Austria, Germany, and other mountains around the world soon after graduating high school. In 2008, Kevin became the first athlete in X Games history to win three medals in one day and later went on to win another medal in 2009. He has been featured in snowboard documentaries and in countless publications, including Sports Illustrated, Men’s Fitness, and the Huffington Post.

Vermonters are traditionally land-oriented people. Vermont’s love for leisure and sport, such as skiing, snowboarding, biking, climbing, and hiking are a testament to the land we live on. Agriculture, alternative energy, and scenic tourism use Vermont’s land to drive much of the state’s economy. As a result, Vermont’s land largely influences its lifestyle.

As you enter your college search, many of you are probably interested in comparing the athletic programs of different schools. Many others will be learning about the rules and regulations of college sports for the first time. To get the inside story on how the National Collegiate Athletic Association functions, we spoke with Christopher Kenny, Associate Director of Athletics for St. Michael's College in Burlington, Vermont.
“It's a challenge,” began Kenny. “Even for people immersed in it like I am, the NCAA can be a very complex topic.”

Mount Mansfield –– Sunset Ridge Trail
Location: About 17 miles east of Burlington and 22 miles NW of Montpelier
Also listed as 69th best hike in the U.S. in the 2005 ranking
Camel’s Hump –– Forestry, Dean and Long Trails Loop
Location: Between Burlington and Montpelier, south of I-89
Mount Ascutney –– Weathersfield Trail
Location: About 20 miles south of White River Junction, just west of the Connecticut River
Appalachian Trail –– Glastenbury Mountain
Location: Off of Route 7, about 10 miles north of Bennington

Sometimes you just gotta get away.
A long year of school and homework, parents nagging, job responsibilities –– it can be a lot, sometimes too much, and definitely calls for some well-deserved time off.
Shopping, yeah, that’s something to do, but it’s not always the most wallet-friendly activity. In the winter you could ski, snowboard or sled. In the summer you can hang by the pool. But sometimes, sometimes you just gotta get out –– not just out, but gone, out there, into nature.

Organized sports don’t end with high school graduation; there are many opportunities at Vermont colleges and in local communities to satisfy your drive to compete
Even if you’re not planning to play varsity sports in college, high school graduation does not have to be the end of your playing career. Whether you want to keep up the same sport or take a new one to a new level, Vermont has opportunities for you.

How did you get into snowboarding? When did you think you might get to the level you're at now?

Hannah Kearney, from Norwich, Vermont, won the Olympic Gold Medal for Freestyle Skiing in moguls, the first US gold medal for women in that event since 1992. Photos by Max Pollinger No one starts out on moguls, when did you realize that was your destiny? When did you realize you wanted to compete in the Olympics? When I first watched the Olympics on television as a kid, I wanted to be a part of the Games. I began skiing moguls soon after I learned how to ski as a two year old.